
State of Credit

John Zito, effectively the guy that runs Apollo credit from an investment perspective, was on the Prof G podcast recently.

Since I don’t traffic in credit as a primary focus, I found it an interesting overview of the broad state of credit from his view. Specifically, he outlined a few notable items:

  • Large cap credit, such as Oracle, trading as low as 65% of par due to low coupons and rising rates (I couldn’t find ORCL bonds in the 60s…), increasing pull-to-par opportunity
  • Few credit / structured equity originators exist for flat to negative EBITDA growth companies, as most credit players require standard debt service ratios to pass investment muster
  • Positive outlook for credit going forward given government tailwinds driving higher rates and lower liquidity / animal spirits

I for one am excited to deploy more into credit with the experienced sponsors over the next year.