In a long-standing debate over which yields more career satisfaction, passion or hard work, Steve Schwartzman offers his perspective:

Each individual possesses their own unique perspective on what is correct. In my opinion, based on personal experience, developing self-assurance (as opposed to insecurity) is a key driver towards achieving happiness, both in one’s career and in life.
It took me quite some time to discover my true identity, mainly because I was overly preoccupied with striving to become what I believed others would view favorably. I exerted considerable effort in this direction, yet I was simply chasing the wrong objective. The outcome was a perpetual sense of discontent that I could not quite comprehend. This resulted in a lack of longevity in my chosen careers, relationships, hobbies, and more.
Now, at the cusp of forty years of age, things have become clear to me. I have a better understanding of how I like to spend my time intellectually, what I desire in a relationship (and fortunately, I have it!), and my own financial values. Although one might ask whether this understanding is a result of age, the answer is both yes and no. Wisdom does come with time, and experiences help to gain it. However, I believe that if I had focused on answering questions for myself instead of trying to impress others, I would have discovered the intersection of passion and natural ability at an earlier stage in life.
Nevertheless, life is not about dwelling on the past. Looking forward, with the lens of self-assurance, I have much to look forward to where passion intersects opportunities across all parts of life.